J. Vasta
I started painting as a child, like my old man did. I was always surrounded by painters, musicians, sculptors all my life.
My father taught classes and I always wanted to be present to learn from his knowledge. I participated in many painting seminars with great local artists, but i didnt imagine it will become one of my most loved passions in life. Having so much of a similar cultural environment, I decided to start studying and I continue to do so currently with Ignacio Malara.
My father being a profesional and well known artist back me up to find home to my first paitings and i am greatful to say i have private collections in Germany, Italy, Canada, México, Brazil.
My works are available in different galleries in Argentina, in Colonial Uruguay and in México.
My most important recent project was the cover of an album that is going to be released on Spotify, YouTube and they are also going to make the physical album of a rock band, and also the back cover.
"My inspiration is based on the freedom I find while painting and when I see the colors".
I hope ypu like and enjoy my view of the world through my artwrok.